Sophomore Aasha Zinke represents MSNE at research showcase

First-ever Shapiro Showcase took place on April 15 as part of the 20th Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Aasha Zinke

Aasha Zinke, a sophomore in materials science and nanoengineering (MSNE), was selected to represent MSNE for the inaugural Shapiro Showcase at Rice University.

Zinke's presentation discussed her most recent research project — a bio-nanocomposite coating made primarily from egg waste used to increase the shelf-life of eggs and other perishables to reduce food waste.

The showcase is a special competition as part of the Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium (RURS), which took place April 15. The event featured 16 students — all nominated by Rice faculty — representing each of the academic schools. Participating students presented 10-minute talks on their intermediate-to-advanced research. The winner received a $500 cash prize.

"I am so grateful for the opportunity to highlight my research. Food waste is an enormous global problem, and our research is just one small way of addressing it," Zinke said. "Each presentation at the showcase was unique and inspiring, and I truly appreciated the opportunity to be one of them."

RURS, founded by Jenessa Shapiro as a Rice undergraduate in 2002, is the premier event for undergraduate researchers from all disciplines to present their work. This annual event, in its 20th year, recognizes and celebrates undergraduate researchers' outstanding scholarly and creative contributions.

Jessica Lee, Academic Administrator